Hospital Programs
BUSD Home & Hospital Instruction (HHI) for K-12 grade students:
Application forms can be filled out here.
Availability of Individualized Instruction for a pupil with temporary disability in the hospital or at home (EC §§48206.3, 48207-48208):
Home & Hospital Instruction (HHI) is available to all Berkeley Unified students (K-12) who are unable to attend school for extended periods of time due to physical or mental incapacity*. Students must have authorization from a medical doctor and the school district to enroll. The student that is approved must have a need to be out of the school on record for 30 days or more.
HHI is individualized instruction that is available to students with temporary disabilities whose temporary disability makes attendance in the regular day classes or alternative education program in which the student is enrolled impossible or inadvisable.
A temporary disability is defined as a physical, mental or emotional disability incurred while a student is enrolled in regular day classes or an alternative education program, and after which the student can reasonably be expected to return to regular classes or an alternative education program without special intervention.
HHI students instruction is in grade level math, science, history, and English. If a student is with the HHI teacher for a quarter or more, then the HHI teacher may give a student grades for their classes. This program helps ensure that students, regardless of circumstance, can keep up with their education.
Families can apply for an extension of HHI by submitting another application after the first 30 days are finished. HHI is a temporary program and does not meet all graduation or A-G requirements for 9th-12th grade students. Students in HHI may not be concurrently enrolled in any other school.
HHI is not an interim placement for students waiting to be placed in another program or school, and is only for students with serious medical conditions. Note: Students with IEPs must have an IEP placement meeting before moving to HHI. HHI is not a program of special education.
Herrick Hospital
The Berkeley Unified School District provides a classroom teacher to adolescents ages 12 to 18 at Herrick Hospital in Berkeley. The students study literature, history, and visual art in addition to other subjects. Writing and drawing on themes of freedom, environmental justice, self-discovery, transformational love, ignorance, hatred, healing, and the universal preciousness of life, among many other topics, students find within themselves and their explorations gems of understanding that enrich everyone’s experience. Herrick Hospital is administered on the BIS campus.