Created in 2002, Berkeley Independent Study’s garden is a place where students and teachers can relax, enjoy the outdoors and learn about our role in the environment. Through hands-on instruction, students learn about a variety of subjects including composting, nutrition, cooking and meditation. The garden has won the hearts of a dedicated group of attendees, including teachers, high school students and middle school students.
The garden is open to everyone. Classes are taught during weekdays with an average attendance of six students, and is supervised by a dedicated garden teacher, and credentialed staff. Garden classes are structured in three parts: students and teachers tend to their crops; the group harvests the bounty of plants tended in previous sessions; and finally, students enjoy the fruits of their labor by preparing and feasting on fresh, homegrown food. The BIS garden only survives with the love of the staff and students who give their time to help this plot of land grow and flourish.
Find out more here.